Buy our Awesome T-Shirt!

Buy This T-Shirt and Help Make a Movie

Help us raise money to cover development costs by buying an awesome, handmade silkscreened T-Shirt!

It’s available to buy here.

Poll: Our Look

We’re working on our official film website right now, AND our prospectus, and plenty of other promotional/marketing/fundraising material, and we want to know which of these looks you like best for us!

Version A:

Version B:

Both feature the following text:

in elementary school we learn of cowboys and the wild west and the gold rush that brought everyone out to california cracking rocks in search of sparkles. and then in high school we learn that term, manifest destiny, and it rolls off the tongue so strange, manifest like manifesto, like your future, like a blueprint, an egg to hatch, a tornado waiting to happen, and then destiny, like an oasis in a desert only you can see, shining across the continent, a star on a sidewalk with your name on it, and what can you do but run for it, run in the direction of the setting sun, of the pacific coast, of tanned surfers and sad movie stars and gold?

Vote to let us know! We’ll keep working on more options.

Another update on what inspires our film is also coming soon!

UPDATE: T-Shirts

You voted, we listen. You said you liked Design B better, and we’re starting to silkscreen our first sample shirts TODAY. This is very exciting, because it means that as soon as next Monday:


The first shirts made are for our photoshoot with our two adorable models, Heather and Adina, which is happening this weekend. Photoshoot, you may ask? But why?

Well, because, we’re not just making a movie here. We are making a movie that we want YOU to be a part of, and we don’t just want you to buy our shirt so we can raise money for our film, We want to make you to look good too! So our photoshoot will feature some suggestions on ways you can wear our t-shirt, to show you just how rockin’ and versatile it really is.

We’re also looking to have other photographers to shoot our shirts and share the pictures on our facebook fanpage! So if you’re a photographer, and you’re interested in shooting a few photos of a model in our shirt, send us a line at:

Photos will be added to an album for all our friends to enjoy, and our favorites will also be included on this site! So get snapping!

Poll: Which T-Shirt Design Do You Like Better?

We’re working on some fund-raising, fabulously fashionable tees that will be coming soon. If they sell well, we might just add other items, like canvas shoulder bags and hoodies!

Help us out and tell us which design you’d rather wear!

Design A (Left)                                             Design B (Right)

Let us know what you think!


I’m busy working on the script for the film and working with my awesome production team on starting to get the money we need for this trip together, so I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want this film to be like.

So, of course, I went digging for anything that has kind of inspired me in any way to go on this road-trip film adventure. Songs. Books. Movies. Photos. And I thought I’d share some of them with all of you, so you can start imagining what this is gonna feel/look/sound/be like:

Other inspirations:

1. Google-Image Search… any picture of the Grand Canyon.

2. The list of things to do before I die I myself may have buried somewhere in a box of my own high school stuff.

3. On the Road. Of course.

4. Howl. Allen Ginsberg.

More is coming soon, as soon as I can upload some of the videos/songs I have that are also inspirations to this trip.

What makes you itch to go on the open road?

Announcement. This film is being made.

So, in May 2009 I graduated from film school. And since then, I’ve been writing full-time (and being other-wise full-time unemployed), and it’s now January 2010. Nearly a year later. So, I thought it was about time to get my shit together and make a movie.

So, here’s the plan:

part-road trip/adventure, part-film, shot on the road between chicago and california, in the summer of 2010, in about 3 weeks. no budget. just a camera, and some microphones, and some willing souls, and a script.

and probably a lot of smelly motel rooms and chips and singing along to bad pop songs on the radio while the wind whips through our hair because all the windows are open.